Einkorn Farmers
Einkorn Farms
Einkorn Farms
In 2008, Carla and Rodolfo teamed up with an organic farmer just a few minutes from their home in Northern Italy, to grow the first 50 acres of einkorn wheat. Einkorn was new to them and farmer Stefano, and they were both worried and delighted to see how differently it grew. Einkorn yields a fifth of modern wheat and reaches above 5 feet tall by the harvest in late July. Carla took the first einkorn seeds to an experienced miller who thought they were too small to contain much flour, but he was wrong. Rodolfo slowly brought on board new farmers in different regions because it was too risky to grow such a rare grain in the same area, especially with changing weather patterns. Each of the initial years was a learning experience, but through trial and error they determined how many seeds to plant per acre and the right timing for planting and harvest.
A decade has passed and the same farmers are still growing einkorn for Carla and Rodolfo. All of our farms are located in remote, pristine areas, and have ample land to adhere to a five-year rotation plan with forage and legumes. One of the most beautiful and largest farms where our einkorn always grows is located in Tuscany, outside of Siena. This is also where we dehusk and package our einkorn wheat berries, so you are getting the freshest grains directly from the farmer. For Carla and Rodolfo, the einkorn farming project has been one of the most satisfying experiences of their life. With the support of people who are baking einkorn sourdough bread for the first time, they are able to support a group of niche farmers who would have a difficult time competing with the prices of modern wheat.